My Mom Suddenly Befriended My Stepmother — I Was Shocked When I Accidentally Discovered Her Real Motive

My mom had a tough time with the whole situation. To put it mildly, she despised Jane, blaming her for the split and everything that went wrong afterward. Mom was clearly jealous of Jane, who played second fiddle to this new, lovely lady and was far more financially successful.

Growing up, every visit to Dad’s was a battle — getting out the door, getting back, and a cold war of glares and tight smiles upon return. Jane treated me as her own, even establishing a trust fund in my name to access once I turned 18.

Last year, Mom’s attitude took a sharp turn. She started visiting Jane’s house regularly, staying for coffee and laughing as if those years of icy glares never happened. It was bizarre. Mom would pop over, ostensibly to discuss my schedule, but it was clear there was more going on.

One evening, I walked in to find Mom and Jane laughing over coffee like old friends. This was the woman Mom had vented about to anyone who would listen for nearly a decade. Dad shrugged it off, saying it was “good for everyone,” but something felt off. Mom, who had previously called their dinners “that other family’s gatherings,” was now attending them, bringing desserts and complimenting Jane on everything from decor to school achievements.

Mom began buying extravagant gifts for my half-brothers — remote-controlled cars, video games, and expensive sneakers. She had always claimed financial instability, so this behavior seemed suspicious. Seeing her with my half-brothers felt like missing a crucial scene in a movie.

I asked her about the change. Mom’s response was vague, hinting at a complicated situation and claiming it was time to move past old grudges for family unity. It seemed odd for someone who was usually so calculated.

Months later, Jane fell seriously ill with irreversible kidney failure and moved into hospice care. Amid this, I suspected an affair between my parents, but confronting Dad led nowhere. Jane eventually revealed that if she passed, control of her assets, including our trusts, would revert to Dad.

When Jane asked about my sudden interest in finances, I spilled everything — my suspicions, Mom’s behavior, everything. Jane was heartbroken but reassured me I would inherit her house and property, worth more than the trusts combined. She also planned to divorce Dad and asked me to look after my brothers.

Two days later, Mom stormed into our house, furious that Jane had excluded her from the inheritance. She and Dad argued, with Mom revealing she never loved Dad but married him for the money. The confrontation was chaotic, ending with Mom slapping me and Dad standing defeated.

I decided to cut ties with both parents. The betrayal and cruelty were too much. I planned to stay by Jane’s side until the end and ensure my brothers had a stable home. They deserved peace, and I was committed to providing it.

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