My Landlord Secretly Held a Key and Entered My Apartment During Work Hours – Karma Caught Up with Him

I thought divorce was the only stress I had to deal with, but little did I know that my new landlord would test me more than expected. After discovering his daily habits, I threatened to get him arrested. But karma had my back and dealt with him swiftly and in the best way possible!

After my divorce, I found myself at a crossroads, not just emotionally but financially as well. The split from my husband of three years had left my bank account bleeding. So, the only apartment I could afford was a tiny, sketchy, rundown place.

The apartment was managed by a landlord who gave me the creeps. His name was Mr. Thompson. I was thirty-five, trying to piece my life back together, and moving into that apartment felt like a step backward. But I wasn’t in a position to be picky.

The first thing Mr. Thompson told me when I wanted to sign the lease was that he had one rule he wanted me to follow. His weird request was that I had to take care of his plants. Now, his rule might not have been a problem, but the entire apartment was filled with them!

He seemed completely unaware of the camera as he continued his invasive routine with a disturbing level of comfort. By the following Friday, I had a week’s worth of evidence that I could use against him by taking it to the police if he didn’t stop.

Armed with my evidence, I knocked on his door. He opened it with a smile that made my skin crawl. “Ah, Miss Davis, what can I do for you? Do you want to come in?” he asked while holding the door open with a look that could only be described as sinister.

“No thanks, there won’t be any need for that. I’m here to talk to you about a very serious matter.” Before he could respond, I held up my phone, showing him the footage. His smile faded.

“Mr. Thompson, you need to stop coming into my apartment without my permission. If you don’t, I’ll go to the police.”

His face went pale, and he tried to laugh it off. “I was just making sure the plants were okay. You know how delicate they can be.”

“I don’t CARE about the plants. This is about MY privacy. If you don’t stop, I will press charges.” I was shaking with anger, but I stood my ground.

He muttered an apology and promised it wouldn’t happen again. I didn’t trust him, but I hoped the threat would be enough to keep him out.

For a few days, things seemed to go back to normal. But karma, as they say, has a way of catching up! IT HIT HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING I COULD EVER DO! It turned out that one of his plants was more than just a leafy green!

A friend had recently given it to him, and he proudly added it to his collection without doing any research on it. He didn’t know that the new addition was poisonous but not deadly! The plant caused severe skin irritation, something HE discovered the hard way!

I came home one evening to see an ambulance outside the building. Curious, I approached one of the paramedics. “What happened?” I asked.

“An older man had a bad reaction to something he touched. We’re taking him to the hospital.”

It didn’t take long for me to connect the dots! Sure enough, the next day, I overheard some neighbors talking about Mr. Thompson’s rash. His hands and arms were covered in angry red welts, and he was in a lot of pain. Part of me felt a small, vindictive satisfaction!

One time, I went to his front door to check on him out of concern after I noticed that he hardly came out of his apartment. The footage in my place also showed that he was not snooping around there anymore.

When I placed my ear against the door, I heard him cussing in pain. Taking time to think about knocking, I decided it wasn’t a good idea to show care to the man who kept breaking into my apartment without my consent.

I also wasn’t sure how he’d receive me seeing as the plant that made him sick was at my place, especially after our recent fallout. I dropped my hand and walked back to my place, hoping he’d get better and that he’d learned his lesson.

A few weeks later, I found a better job that allowed me to move into a nicer apartment. As I packed up my things, I reflected on my time in that tiny, plant-filled space. It had been a rough period, but it also taught me about the unexpected ways life can turn around.

As I loaded the last box into my car, I took one final look at the old building. The experience had been unsettling, but it had also shown me how to stand up for myself. I was ready for a fresh start, leaving the past and Mr. Thompson behind.

As I drove away, I couldn’t help but think about the twists and turns my life had taken. Sometimes, karma works faster than we expect, and sometimes, it takes a while. But in the end, it all balances out!

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