Senior Woman Spends Her Life Savings on Granddaughter’s Wedding, Gets Excluded Just Before the Event

Agnes paid for her granddaughter Clara’s wedding, but Clara removed her from the wedding guest list at the last moment. In the end, though, things took an unexpected turn when karma reached out to Clara.

Agnes was sitting in one of the living room’s corners, teary-eyed. Everyone had left after discussing Clara’s wedding—during which Agnes stated her intention not to attend, despite her desire to do so—and she now regretted why she said that.

I never imagined this day would come. It is, indeed, unfortunate that now I won’t be attending it. The elderly lady reflected.

Agnes was 75 years old when her beloved husband Edward died. Soon after, her health began to fail, and she relocated to New York to live with her son’s family. They were initially very loving and caring, but when Agnes was diagnosed with dementia, things began to change.

“Wow! Clara, we will all grow old at some point. Is that how you’d like to be treated? How about my parents? They are already in their late sixties. Will you toss them out as well?”

“Don’t change the subject, Josh. I’m not going to call her!”

“Then the wedding’s off! Goodbye!”

When Agnes heard Clara’s fiance cancel the wedding, she couldn’t help but burst open the door. “Please, honey, don’t do that. Clara adores you.”

“Grandma! What in the world are you doing here?” Clara was taken aback.

“I just wanted to see you, honey. I tried everything to persuade myself not to come, but I really wanted to see you in your wedding gown.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but there’s no wedding happening here, Mrs. Arnold. You can go back,” Josh said.

“Please, honey, no. I understand Clara’s recklessness, but please do not cancel the wedding. I forgave her a long time ago, and you should do the same.”

“I apologize, Mrs. Arnold. I have a lot of respect for you, but I can’t do this,” Josh stated emphatically before departing.

Clara sobbed to the ground as she watched him walk away. “Are you content now? You completely ruined our wedding. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“No, honey, I didn’t mean that—” Agnes approached slowly to console Clara, but the young woman was so enraged that she threw her grandmother out of the room.

Agnes walked back slowly, taking in the surroundings. The entire atmosphere seemed depressing. The guests were leaving the hall, murmuring in disappointment, and Timothy and Linda were arguing again.

Tired of all the chaos, Agnes walked over to the seats set up in the wedding hall and sat quietly. Then she called Lincy and asked her to bring the elders from the nursing home to the wedding venue, where Agnes threw them a party.

Seeing everyone enjoying their heart’s content, Agnes was delighted. Linda and Clara cast a stern glance at her when she saw all the older people arriving at the venue and enjoying themselves, but Agnes didn’t care.

She lost herself in the cheerful atmosphere, forgetting her worries, and poured herself a glass of wine. Since I paid for the wedding, I deserve to have a good time. Life is too short to be concerned with everything. I wish I had realized it before. The old lady pondered as she took a sip from her wine glass.

What can we learn from this story?

You can’t escape karma. Clara decided to exclude her grandmother from the wedding, but karma caught up with her and made her learn a lesson the hard way.
Don’t lose yourself trying to make things right and making others happy. Agnes was always concerned with Clara’s happiness and neglected her own. One should never do that.

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