My Daughter Struggled to Nap Alongside Her Children – She Was Surprised by How Simple the Solution Was

One day, my daughter called me saying her kids never let her take a nap. She couldn’t believe it when I told her a few tips that helped her nap in peace and look after her kids better. It was like I’d handed her the keys to a secret kingdom of parenting.

I’m Nancy, and my daughter Allison is a single mom to two energetic kids, a 6-year-old girl, and an 8-year-old boy. Since they were born, Allison has always worked full-time. Either I babysat the little ones, or they were at daycare.

Recently, Allison quit her job and decided to stay home with the kids during their vacation. She wanted to spend more time with them before finding a new job.

I thought she was doing well until she called me yesterday, sounding utterly exhausted.

7. Put It on the List
Picture this: you’re out shopping with your kid when suddenly their eyes light up at the sight of the latest must-have toy or game. The pleading begins, and before you know it, you’re in the throes of a full-blown negotiation.

I’ve got a hack to handle this tricky situation.

Next time your little one spots something they simply must have, calmly tell them to “put it on the list.” This brilliant strategy serves two purposes.

First, it avoids the dreaded “no” that can so often lead to arguments and tears.

Instead, you’re redirecting their focus to a list, which is a tangible way for them to keep a track of their desires.

Second, this tactic plays right into the hands of the forgetful child. If they’re the type to lose interest in their “must-have” items as quickly as they discover them, chances are they’ll completely forget about that toy by the time the next holiday rolls around.

This trick will definitely help you avoid arguments in the store.

8. The Ear-Covering Lie Detector

Outsmarting a little one’s sneaky tendencies can feel like a full-time job, but this ingenious hack puts the power back in your hands.

Simply tell your child that their ears turn red when they’re telling a lie and watch in amazement as they instinctively cover their ears the moment the lies start flowing.

9. Lead by Example: The Sleepy Bedtime Hack
When it comes to getting your little one down for the night, the secret may lie in your bedtime routine.

Instead of reaching for your phone or burying your nose in a book, try this simple yet effective hack: let your baby watch as you drift off to sleep.

At their bedtime, resist the urge to entertain yourself. Instead, get cozy, close your eyes, and practice being still and quiet. Your little one will naturally follow your lead, observing your relaxed state and picking up on the cues that it’s time to settle in for the night.

10. Turning Chores into Games
When faced with the dreaded toddler tantrum, try transforming even the most mundane tasks into playful competitions. Whether it’s brushing teeth or cleaning up, you can easily turn potential powder kegs into cooperative fun.

Invent tooth-brushing relays or cleaning races, where the kids become eager participants instead of reluctant subjects. The simple act of making it a team effort or a friendly challenge can defuse any brewing battles, replacing tears and frustration with laughter and camaraderie.

It’s a genius way to transform everyday chores into engaging playtime, keeping everyone happy and harmonious.

So, this is all I told Allison during our phone call yesterday. I hope these tips help her look after her kids better.

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