While the Sister Receives a Mansion, the Brother Inherits a Derelict House and Discovers a Secret Level

Freddy and Hazel’s sibling relationship broke down when their parents’ will was read, revealing an unfair division of their properties. But after moving into the abandoned place he got, Freddy discovered a trap door leading to a hidden area that revealed why he was given that home.

Freddy clenched his fists beside his sister, Hazel, and her gloating fiancé, Mark, as he listened to the lawyer reading their parents’ will.

Hazel interrupted, fidgeting in her chair, “Mr. Schneider, but why did I get the main house?”

Mark interjected, the corners of his lips rising slightly, “Your parents met me. They know we had plans to get married and have children. Freddy likes to travel and never brought a girl home, so the big house should naturally go to a potential family.”

Mark tried to insist, wrapping his arms around her, but Hazel was done.

“ENOUGH!” Hazel screamed, pushing Mark back. “God, I’m so tired of you! You only ever cared about money! You never truly loved me. We’re DONE, Mark! I can’t believe I ignored all the red flags!”

Freddy exhaled, relieved.

“You’re breaking up with me over this?” Mark spluttered, his mouth wide with shock.

“Yes, Mark. It’s over. I want my life back,” she declared, crossing her arms.

He turned to Freddy, begging. “Freddy, tell her she’s making a mistake.”

“Freddy’s not going to help you, Mark. He’s been trying to open my eyes to your true colors for years,” Hazel said, stepping towards the door. “Get out of here and out of my house!”

“It’s my house, too!”

“We’re not married!”

“I’ll fight you on this!”

“I’ll get Mr. Schneider on the phone right now,” Freddy announced and didn’t hesitate to dial their lawyer to explain the situation.

Mark, now desperate, demanded, “I want my ring back!”

“That ring was my grandmother’s, Mark. It’s staying with me!” Hazel retorted, forcefully escorting Mark out of the house. Once he was gone, she turned to Freddy, tears and relief in her eyes. “I think I need to stay here for a while.”

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you need,” Freddy embraced her warmly.

After a moment, she pulled back, a small smile on her face. “Can we order some Chinese food? I’m dying to read Dad’s novel.”

“Absolutely,” Freddy agreed, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.


Publishing their father’s novel proved easier than expected. Freddy’s friends in the LGBTQ+ publishing community were eager to help. Hazel, deeply moved by the story, insisted Freddy keep all the royalties.

Mr. Schneider dealt with Mark, ensuring he’d never bother them again. Apparently, Mark had left town, but Freddy didn’t care. His focus was on his sister’s happiness and honoring their father’s legacy.

Eventually, Freddy felt the urge to travel again. He rented out his house and set off on a new adventure. Upon his return, he was delighted to find Hazel happily dating a kind, successful man who adored her.

The book wasn’t a bestseller, but it received excellent reviews. Therefore, Freddy decided to publish his father’s poems too, including a prologue detailing their father’s hidden life. It was a tribute to love, acceptance, and the importance of living one’s truth.

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